May our Hearts and Heads be integrated.
May our minds be used for wonder, imagination, and conscious choice, rather than for worry and strategy.
May we honor, respect, and celebrate the Earth, her bounty, and her power. May we spend more time with the Plant People, and study the wisdom in the Living Library.
May we hold all beings as created equal (not identical, but equal), endowed by virtue of our common divine source with certain inalienable rights, and that among (but not limited to) these are the rights to aliveness, freedom, and the cultivation of joy.
If we must create institutions and laws, let us create them with the intention of nurturing our evolution. If institutions and powers cannot honor the above rights or nurture our evolution, may we have the courage to change these systems, or dismantle them if necessary.
May we set the captives free, inside and outside of ourselves. They are us.
May we acknowledge, and forgive ourselves for, and take responsibility for, our historic ignorance, pride, and cruelty. May the old hurts be healed.
The Triumph of Reason served us well. Thanks, Reason, for freeing us from knee-jerk emotionalism, but your cleverness is seductive, your puzzles are distracting, and you don’t have the answers to everything. Now it’s time for Love, Magic, Trust, Joy, Compassion, and Evolved Irrationality to navigate. We love you, old boy, and we hope you’ll be part of the team.
May we love openly and without shame.
May we take time to slow down, to experience the beauty around us, and be with our loved ones while we can.
May we be grateful to, and honor, all of those who clean up after us, cook our food, grow our crops, build our roads, teach our kids, keep the wheels turning and fix it all when it breaks.
May we hold a well-rounded education that fosters imagination and reflection in our children as sacred and essential to our democratic evolvement.
May we know that true liberty comes hand in hand with compassion and responsibility.
May we play and hear music as much as possible. May we open our eyes to art. May we open our bodies to the Funk.
May we each be a Light to everyone we meet, and bring out the best in each other.