Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lest we forget the feeling...

Lest we forget the feeling…

During the last few months leading up to the 2008 election, I was living as a graduate student of Political Science (Theory focus) in Toronto, Ontario. I am a citizen of the United States. For the four days leading up to November 4th, I went south of the border and worked for the Obama campaign in Erie County, Pennsylvania. The day after the election, I rushed back north to attend that week’s seminar in a class called “Race.” All aglow with the magic of the night before, I had brought campaign stickers and other souvenirs with me in case my classmates wanted them. I sat bubbling with excitement like a little kid, waiting for someone to ask. As the seminar began my classmates, along with our Black professor, decided that the Obama election was not worth discussing, and immediately moved on to the week’s readings. With my heart in my throat I stormed out, ready to pack up my truck and drive back to Arizona that very day. A classmate called me on my cell phone and barely was able to coax me back. (By the way, that class turned out to be one of my all-time favorites, once I’d gotten my frustration out of my system. I will never forget some of the perspectives I heard in those seminars.)

I’m writing this because I feel I had a valuable perspective on the Obama election as an American living in another country at the time, and that from this perspective I could remind us of a few things.

Though I had friends, Canadian and of other nationalities, who were excited about Obama, I don’t think any of them could fully relate to the significance of the campaign or election. The palpable thickness in the American air that is the pain of race dissipates the moment one crosses the border north (Canada of course has its own historic hurts to heal, but they are qualitatively distinct. As all hurts are.) I never knew I was breathing such a stench until I smelled its crisp, clear absence. That lightness moved me to tears many times. The thought of it still does.

Also, my friends and colleagues had not been through the humiliation of eight years of Bush presidency. I don’t even know where to start in describing that.

In addition, the Canadian people have a different (read as “non-myopic”) perspective on world issues, a notable example being the War in Afghanistan. Over there, Canadian soldiers are serving in some of the most dangerous capacities (read as “doing the shit jobs”). Young Canadians are being sent home in body bags, unacknowledged in the U.S. news, for fighting a war opposed by the majority of Canadian people. My other international friends and colleagues in Toronto of course came from countries variously on the receiving end of U.S. hegemonic adventures and policies. Most of the people I knew up there were at the very least skeptical, often completely cynical, that even a brilliant and noble U.S. president would be able to affect much change in this country’s policies in relation to the international community. And of course their skepticism has proven correct. I intend only the deepest respect and sympathy for the people affected by the continued violence of U.S. policy; all I can say in that regard is that a Republican president and/or Congressional majority would be doing much greater damage, and with poisonous belligerence to boot.

What happened on November 4th, 2008, defies all rational accounting. Yes, I am talking about the level of the spiritual. Let’s go back to that moment, shall we?

Millions of Black Americans and White Americans wept in each other’s arms. If only for a moment, if only for a nanosecond, we were healed. Do you remember?

We all had the feeling of true victory. Not for our team, but for the whole human race. For our sense of humanity. Our dignity as Americans was restored in that moment, and amplified as actual pride – something we had not felt as a nation in a long time, maybe never.

It’s kind of like the experience surrounding “falling in love,” isn’t it? There are moments when our connection with that other person gives us a glimpse of eternity. It’s like the concept of spontaneous healing: in the moment we have the opportunity to know that we are already healed.

A friend in Tucson described the moment the announcement came; he said the sound that erupted from the crowd was like a jet plane taking off. He had never heard anything like it.

What kind of power can produce a sound like that from human voices? Faith can. Hope can. Love can.

People partied all over the world. Traffic stopped in U.S. cities. For a moment, or for an evening, or for a few euphoric days, people felt something new and truly glorious had happened. It was magical. Do you remember?

Please remember. Because while you all were enjoying that buzz, I had to go back to Toronto and face the cynicism of my sophisticated-worldly-political-science-grad-student classmates. I wanted more than anything to be back home bouncing shit-eating grins back and forth with my homies. But the contrast did me good, because I had to think hard about what made this election so special. I couldn’t articulate it to my classmates in terms of policy, critical race theory, quantitative analysis, poststructuralism, or any radical or traditional theoretical prism I could pull out of my trick bag. What had happened was magic. A miracle. One can be laughed out of a seminar for that sort of irrational talk.

That feeling that we shared was so radically new that it was subject to immediate disbelief and denial. You know how that works, right? You see something, such as a UFO, or a sublime work of art, that is outside of your conceptual universe of possibilities and that you perhaps have no language for, and it produces a moment of wonder, and then your rational mind kicks in, most likely cannot cope with the new information, and uses its old language and conceptual tools to either box the new experience into an old form or deny it altogether. (This is not an attack on the rational mind. I love my rational mind. I just need to use some discernment to know when it is and isn’t being useful.)

This mental backlash is what the radical Right banked on. It seems to me that the little group of perverted ideologues, and their morally bankrupt corporate sponsors, who are bent on trashing our democracy can only think in that boxy, disbelieving way. Theirs is the ultimate cynicism. It’s the cynicism that was threatened by Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Thomas Merton, John Lennon, and everyone who ever stood up boldly and spoke inspiringly about the political and social possibility of our Oneness.

Remember that moment. It is eternal. It is yours. It is ours. Just like that eternal moment you shared with your lover, or with your mother as she passed out of this world, or in the presence of some natural wonder that left you breathless, it is still here, inside of each one of us, to draw on anytime we need it. It’s how great relationships last through the hard times. You can call it faith. But it’s not a blind faith in someone else’s words – it is a faith in something, though “only” a feeling, that we all experienced. And we really, really need that feeling now.

If we allow ourselves to be browbeaten into cynicism, we will lose much more than an election. We will lose our soul. We would quite literally become our own enemy. Because our cause is not the policies we believe in. The policies we believe in are rather an expression, or manifestation, of the humanity, compassion and life-affirming creativity that are fundamental to our actions. Please reread those last few sentences.

So when we critique Obama’s policy decisions, let’s remember that we’re doing it from that fundamental place. Our frustration over his compromises and those of the Democrats in Congress comes from our ethical bottom line, and from remembering that hope that we experienced, and feeling it betrayed. But that ethical foundation of humanity and compassion is what in fact unifies us with those officials. Think on that for a moment. Dream on that.

They get scared, the Democrats. They get distracted, hoodwinked, and browbeat themselves. It is our job as democrats and human beings to keep them on task and support them to be brave and wise. Recall the relationship metaphor – when hard times hit, do we get a divorce, or do we have faith? It’s our call. There is great possibility for growth in working through the betrayals of life and love.

Just one more thought on the magical fall of 2008… How did the Obama campaign pull off victory? It was powered by young people, many of them too young to even vote themselves. I myself didn’t even think it was possible to elect someone of Obama’s quality as president, and any of my friends can tell you I am very strongly in the Pollyanna camp. But I’m in my 40’s, and I’ve had my heart broken a few too many times. Ultimately it took the clean, innocent, relentless hopefulness of youth to make it happen. Young people still have enough kid in them to believe in miracles and magic.

And so do you. If you choose. It’s in there, in that moment you experienced. Remember. Just remember. Feel it. We need it now.


S.O.Foster said...

So well said! Thank you Mitzi Deshaya.
i had made a bumper sticker that said 'Vote Republican so they can take the blame" but I didn't want to voice my inner cynic. Then i said "Vote Obama for a snowball's chance...." still cynical. I knew i was preparing myself for disappointment.
Obama's election was like a miracle! i thought it would lead to healing the leftover racism and ignorance. When Obama spoke in Chicago - (I hadn't seen that park since the '68 convention when protesters were visiously beaten by notoriously corrupt cops. I left Chicago after that and generations of family history there.) I couldn't stop crying. There was so much history, disappointment, grief, treason, and terror that i had witnessed. Obama was Hope and bound to disappoint.
I still think the guy has soul, that he didn't anticipate the level of bigotry, or partisan opposition, or the forces opposed to People's democracy. We won't be the first Ruined democracy or the last attempt to organize with inclination to justice, equality, peace, cooperation, heart and soul.

Unknown said...

Mitzi – Thank you for taking the time to think about this. It is refreshing to see something that is not just more carbon copied responses to either side of things.

As an older cowgirl from Arizona, who looks under and over many rocks, I can honestly say that racism is as alive and thriving as it ever has been. It has morphed a tad here and there to add lines like, "but you know that doesn't mean YOU..." to the diatribe. But I can't help but wonder how much that is just frosting on a rotten cup cake. As a disabled, lesbian, in a bi-racial relationship, living is a rural community that is primarily right-winged, I often wonder about how we are affected by the subtle exclusion that has become acceptable in today's social environment. Lots of polite greetings but no invites to join them for supper... and I honestly believe that a lot of these folks don't even see it when they do it. That said, there is another aspect of this divide which is education... many folks in our area are not overly educated. This has added to the marginal exposure to the rest of the world outside this little sphere we live in. Distorted television shows and movies are their source on "education" on other lifestyles, races, beliefs, hates and dreams.
The overt distrust of anyone different has been blown wide open in Arizona at the mention of anything based on the Border, Immigration or the many Mexican cultural aspects of our communities. Things that we were taught to celebrate and learn about in my youth are now disdained... Cinco De Mayo has been eliminated as a celebration at all Arizona AmVets facilities... any gathering which would be based in the Hispanic community is looked at as a chance to bust the illegals and round up the drug dealers. This is sad and sickening. And is not just an Arizona issue. The progressive faction is our country has become so unfocused, unwilling to be labeled, unsure of their own thoughts, that we feel that by responding to an internet poll we can actually affect change without any work, any interaction, any possible unmasking in front of our peers or threat to our material comfort. We will live to regret this slothsome regard of our freedom.

This was not an organized response and there is always more to be said in every direction. But part of our blessing to be lived out as artists is to continue to portray humanity at its best and to promote hope and healing that will give folks the courage to question their own belief systems.

Unknown said...

Part Two
As a disabled, lesbian, in a bi-racial relationship, living is a rural community that is primarily right-winged, I often wonder about how we are affected by the subtle exclusion that has become acceptable in today's social environment. Lots of polite greetings but no invites to join them for supper... and I honestly believe that a lot of these folks don't even see it when they do it. That said, there is another aspect of this divide which is education... many folks in our area are not overly educated. This has added to the marginal exposure to the rest of the world outside this little sphere we live in. Distorted television shows and movies are their source on "education" on other lifestyles, races, beliefs, hates and dreams.

Unknown said...

Part Three
The overt distrust of anyone different has been blown wide open in Arizona at the mention of anything based on the Border, Immigration or the many Mexican cultural aspects of our communities. Things that we were taught to celebrate and learn about in my youth are now disdained... Cinco De Mayo has been eliminated as a celebration at all Arizona AmVets facilities... any gathering which would be based in the Hispanic community is looked at as a chance to bust the illegals and round up the drug dealers. This is sad and sickening. And is not just an Arizona issue. The progressive faction is our country has become so unfocused, unwilling to be labeled, unsure of their own thoughts, that we feel that by responding to an internet poll we can actually affect change without any work, any interaction, any possible unmasking in front of our peers or threat to our material comfort. We will live to regret this slothsome regard of our freedom.

This was not an organized response and there is always more to be said in every direction. But part of our blessing to be lived out as artists is to continue to portray humanity at its best and to promote hope and healing that will give folks the courage to question their own belief systems.